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Other PHP Scripts

You may find below online demos of the other php scripts we offer. All scripts can be installed easily on your own hosting package or server (we also offer free installation service) to create quickly your own other website. The scripts are provided with the full not encrypted source codes, free technical support, free copyright removal and free installation. We also offer various customization services and can help to customize them according to your needs or projects requirements. Please don't hesitate to contact us for details or if you have any questions.
PHP Dating Site

PHP Dating Site

Fully-featured online dating or matrimony website php script with multiple features for the users and advanced administration panel ...

PHP Survey

PHP Survey

Web script for creating simple survey sites or for adding survey functionality to an existing site ...

PHP Poll

PHP Poll

Script for creating online user polls ...

Combined Scripts Demo

Combined Scripts Demo

Combine any of our scripts on one website to create unique websites with multiple features for the users ...

Combine Multiple PHP Scripts Demo

Combine Multiple PHP Scripts Demo

Our scripts can be combined with single login for the users and design ...

Help Desk Script

Help Desk Script

A modern php help desk system ...

DB Backup Tool

DB Backup Tool

Free php script to create backups of MySQL databases ...